A series of school visit pics in a film reel

School Visits

In-person visits

Now taking bookings for 2025/2026

In-person visits (UK only):

In-person visits are available for all of primary. 

Author talk: (45 – 60 minutes, depending on year group) Introduction to all my books and my journey towards writing them, with interactive discussion on elephants, whales, leopards and bears and how their behaviour informed my story. Suitable for group sizes from small classes to KS1 or KS2 assemblies.

Workshop: (45 – 60 minutes, depending on year group). A workshop based on setting and action, working together to propel a fast-paced story. Suitable for class sizes of 30 or so. Year 4, 5, or 6.

Book talk: (45 – 60 minutes, depending on year group) Behind the scenes look at the book for classes that have read Elephant, Whale, Leopard or Bear as a class novel. Year 4, 5 or 6.


Half day – Two one-hour sessions of any combination of assembly, classroom talk or writing workshop + signing. £475 + travel. (Only available to schools within an hour’s radius of South Herts/North London)

Full day – Three 1-hour sessions (or four 45-minute sessions) of any combination of assembly, classroom talk or writing workshop + signing. £650 + travel

Please contact me via the online form to put together a visit that would suit your school.

Virtual visits

UK or overseas. Suitable for Years 4, 5 and 6.

Event 1 – The Serendib Visitor

45 minutes – An introduction to the world of my books and background to writing them, with writing exercise, activity and Q&A session. £175

Event 2 – The Serendib Insider (Elephant)

45 minutes – (Suitable for classes that have read The Girl Who Stole an Elephant) An interactive talk about the background to the story, including fun facts about the characters and elephants in general! Q&A at the end to ask me all difficult or unanswered questions from the book! £175

Event 3 – The Serendib Insider (Whale)

45 minutes – (Suitable for classes that have read The Boy Who Met a Whale) An interactive talk about how I came to write the story, background to the characters, and how a certain whale news story inspired the climax of the book! Q&A at the end to ask me all difficult or unanswered questions from the book. £175

Event 4 – The Serendib Insider (Leopard)

45 minutes – (Suitable for classes that have read The Girl Who Lost a Leopard) An interactive talk about how I came to write the story, inspiration for Selvi’s journey and how I wrote a whole book from just the title! Q&A at the end to ask me all difficult or unanswered questions from the book. £175

Event 5 – The Serendib Scribe

1 hour – An assembly-style talk and workshop on the craft based around the writing of The Girl Who Stole an Elephant and The Boy Who Met a Whale. Includes tips for generating ideas and I demonstrate the process to the finished product through first drafts and notebooks. Suitable for larger groups of children. A fifteen-minute Q&A at the end for writing-related questions. £300

Event 6 – The Serendib Hopper

20 minutes – Flying visit to answer questions from classes or book clubs that have read The Girl Who Stole an Elephant, The Boy Who Met a Whale or The Girl Who Lost a Leopard. £100

Want to make an enquiry? Contact me here

“It was just terrific to see the children engaging with Nizrana, especially those who are perhaps less confident or less able.”

“The children were very inspired by her assembly, the book pen pals were able to get up close with Nizrana in a Q&A session and Year 5 had an exciting book writing workshop. Thank you so much to Nizrana for coming!”

Christchurch School, Ramsgate

I was filled with pleasure that she came. She inspired me with my writing & told us not to give up.”

“It was great that a new author came to our school: it helped inspire so many people to become writers.”

‘I like her approach to how she writes and comes up with ideas’.

Croxley Danes School, Herts